Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.
It does not matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times.
Come, yet again, come.
Enter the Virtual Zendo
U.S. Mornings: Monday – Friday
5:00 am – Pacific / 8:00 am – US Eastern / 2:00 pm – CET
U.S. Mornings: Sunday
8:30 am Pacific /10:30 am Central / 5:30 pm CET
U.S. Evenings: Monday
3:30 pm – Pacific / 6:30 pm – Eastern / 12:30 am – CET
European Mornings: Monday – Friday
8:00 am – CET
Browse the Library
Dive into our online resources or learn about our history.
Hollow Bones Sutra Book
6 session class beginning in February
Take Your Practice Further
To study the Buddha way is to study the self.
Meet Our Community
Find a local sangha to attend in person or online,
or connect with one of our teachers.
Mondo Zen
Explore the roots of the classic koan model,
and we apply our koan practice in everyday life.
Mondo Zen Retreat
April 10 – 13
Join us at Diamond Zen Center in Banning, California for an in-depth Mondo practice.
Junpo Memorial
April 19
Gather at Zen River, Appleton, WI or join online to sit in memory of our founder.
Return to the Roots
June 7-13
Join us at Dai Bosatsu Monastery, New York for our annual sesshin at our root monastery.