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Be part of a “local” sangha from anywhere
with our community’s hybrid zen services.

Connect with teachers and other sangha members in person or online by contacting these locations. If you have a practice community and would like to be listed on our website, please contact

Zen River Sangha, located at 2989 W. Spencer Street, is home to a number of our Priests and Teachers, and serves as the headquarters branch of Hollow Bones Zen. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Central) and Saturdays from 7:30-9:30 a.m. (Central), both in person and online through ZOOM, for the full Hollow Bones service, two periods of zazen, dokusan/daisan, and a teisho/dharma talk.

The central mission of Peace on the Street is education. Our mission is to provide an integrated educational program based upon the psychological understandings articulated by the historic Buddha and developed, through the centuries, by his teachers. We provide meditation classes to train the mind. We extend this mental training to the physical through our martial arts program. It is our belief that mental and physical training should be sustained through proper work and economic well-being. We provide career training as part of our integrated program. In essence our mission is to provide a program that integrates mind (meditation), body (martial arts) and spirit (work).

All are welcome to join us for Zen practice at 123 North Oakland in Green Bay. We meet for zazen, studies and conversation Sundays, 8:00 a.m. and Thursdays, 6:00 p.m.

We meet every Monday evening at LCUUC and online in Hartland, Wisconsin. Newcomers are welcome at 6:00 PM; the program runs 6:30 – 8:30. For a link and passcode to join via Zoom please email This is a community in which to explore the process of awakening using traditional and modern Zen practice applied in a holistic integrative manner. We create a safe space for personal inquiry and foster a respect for the interdependent web of life regardless of experience level.

We are a Canadian branch of the Hollow Bones Order.   Practicing in a private zendo, located in Selkirk, Manitoba, One Wisdom Zen, led by Emyo Seien Darlene Tataryn, serves Winnipeg, Selkirk, Interlake, and surrounding area.  This growing Sangha meets at 9:00 Sunday morning for contemplative movement such as Qi Gong and Asaya Yoga, Zen service, Meditation, and Dharma Talk.  Our small Sangha welcomes newcomers with all ranges of experience across lineages.