What is Mondo Zen?

from Mondo Zen: Ego Transformation Koans, Emotional Awareness Intervention Koans, 20th Anniversary Edition

The word “Mondo” translates into English as “The Way of Dialogue.” The word “Zen” we translate as Clear Deep Heart-Mind – a knowing of our consciousness deeper than our thinking, feeling, and sensing mind. The word “koan” means an enigmatic question designed to bring your rational thinking mind to one point of focus – a question that points to a deeper truth about this consciousness. 

When we put the words “Mondo Zen Koan Practice” together, we are referring to a dialogue practice that uses enigmatic questions to awaken one to Clear Deep Heart-Mind, our deepest self, which includes unconditional compassion.

Mondo Zen was created by Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi as a modern teaching of Zen and its practice in the 21st century world with its constant barrage of conflict, crises, wars, violence, animosity and the concomitant suffering this all brings. Through Mondo Zen, Jun Po offers a way to realize our Buddha nature, allowing us to bear witness to suffering with fearless equanimity.

After connecting with our Buddha nature, our Clear Deep Heart Mind, Mondo Zen then helps us explore the messages contained in the deeper feelings that underlie our negative emotions. Through this emotional koan practice, we learn to stop our unconscious, counterproductive, and habitual emotional reactivity and consciously choose wise, compassionate responses. 

Our angst becomes our liberation.

Mondo Zen Facilitation

In order to experience this awakening practice fully, it is recommended that you have a regular meditation practice established. You will work with a trained facilitator who will guide you through meditation, introspection, and dialogue through the 13 Mondo Zen koans. It is through the experience of the koans that realization and awakening will manifest.

Why Mondo?

Much of the suffering we experience comes from the thoughts and feelings we ascribe to the events in our lives to protect our egos and notions of self. The Mondo Zen Koan process offers a different view of self and a way to discern the real messages from our emotions, revealing the deep care that underlies all our negative reactivity. It offers a way to alleviate suffering and meet the challenges of life with more wisdom and compassion.

Ready to try Mondo?

If you are interested in going through the Mondo Zen Koan process with a trained facilitator or have questions, contact Kevala Deb Hoffmann.

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness
comes as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
invite them in
Be grateful for whoever comes
because each has been sent as
a guide from beyond.
