Jozen Engi Jonathan Fielder
Saudi Arabia
Jozen Jonathon Fielder began his study of Zen through the London Zen Centre and the Shobo-an Zen Temple in the late 80’s.
He discovered Hollow Bones and the teachings of Junpo Roshi in 2019 and took Jukai in August 2020, receiving the Dharma name Jozen (everyday Zen). Jozen completed the Mondo Zen Facilitator training in 2021 and was ordained as a Hollow Bones priest by Taiso Roshi in June 2022. Here he was given the name Engi (inter-being).
Jozen teaches Yoga, qigong and the Southeast Asian martial art of Pencak silat, sharing principles of movement, principles of mind and the wisdom of the village, and serves the Hollow Bones community in a variety of roles.