Read updates from our administrators, special messages from our abbot, community features, and guest posts from sangha members. Have a story to share? Contact our communications director.

A Painter’s Eye on the Sutra Book: The Work of Chelle Diederich

A Painter’s Eye on the Sutra Book: The Work of Chelle Diederich

The Off the Cushion paintings feature the beautiful arrangement of jewel tones, which was a surprise to Chelle as she was creating them. “The paintings exemplify the questions and thoughts I was working through as I studied the book, and I initially envisioned these concepts being expressed with muted and somber tones, but that’s not what happened.”

HBZ Beginnings: Soyen Shaku, Nyogen Senzaki and D.T. Suzuki

HBZ Beginnings: Soyen Shaku, Nyogen Senzaki and D.T. Suzuki

Many synergistic steps, truly reflecting the interconnection, interpenetration, and interdependency we understand to be part of Zen took place to bring us HBZ today. These steps also included the faithful contributions of many others, including many women, who played a crucial role in facilitating the unfolding. This series of blogs will tell their story.

This Transparent & Collective Process

This Transparent & Collective Process

Money has the potential to be an extremely fraught topic for all sorts of reasons. Many of us carry shame or aversion or attachment or fear around it, for all sorts of reasons both practical and emotional. All of which, while excellent grist for the zen-practice mill, can make it difficult to have productive conversations about our organization’s finances and future.



Out of curiosity, I decided to see what was up on Instagram. (If it’s not painfully obvious, I don’t do much social media…) #Zen had 16.5 M posts. #ZenLife has 269k. #ZenAF has 91k. My overall takeaway is that what I think of as living zen just isn’t on the radar of mainstream social consciousness.

Ever So Much More Human – Embodying Community at Kintsugi Sangha

Ever So Much More Human – Embodying Community at Kintsugi Sangha

Kintsugi Sangha in Hartland, WI consistently focuses on being “ever so much more human” and authentically sharing the experiences and strength found within the collective group. Some sangha members come for a general mindfulness practice that benefits their bodies and minds. Others choose a deeper dive into an existential query and the exploration of spiritual life from a multi-faceted Zen perspective.

Pledge to Support this Sangha in 2023

Pledge to Support this Sangha in 2023

The level of activity and service that has defined Hollow Bones since COVID hit in 2020 will not be possible without a significant change in how we work together. Creating an online community, and supporting it through various free programs, timely communications, and staff-intensive events and online retreats, while also running more than 6 large-scale in-person events per year requires significant resources. We have remained committed to keeping our fees reasonable and offering extensive financial support to all who ask for it. We invite you to make a pledge to support our community in 2023

Sangha Reflections: The Mirrored Image

Sangha Reflections: The Mirrored Image

Mirrors are doorways, and they’ve always scared-but-enticed me. They’ve never shown my true face, so I’ve never trusted them, yet I always want to see how they reflect me… What is it about mirrors that Buddhists and Pagans agree upon? Mirrors. Self. Other. Not-Other. Here, This, Now, Ever, All, Unfolding, Self fractaling upon Self, seen only through the reflections of an Other

Sangha is an Oasis of Acceptance

Sangha is an Oasis of Acceptance

As a priest, Liaoran’s understanding of what it means to come to practice from a place of complete desperation and disillusionment serves as “grist for the compassion mill,” and allows him to serve as a living example of coming to Zen through turmoil and hopelessness. “Life can be messy and unexpected, but the oasis of acceptance that this practice offers is available to everyone.”

We are feeding everyone from children to elders, on many levels  – Koto Washi Dallas Chief Eagle

We are feeding everyone from children to elders, on many levels – Koto Washi Dallas Chief Eagle

Sitting “like a stone” is familiar territory for Koto Washi, as he has worked closely with children for years fostering concentration and mindfulness practices based on the ancestral creation stories of “Grandfather Rock” to improve self-awareness and management skills.

Happy New Year from the Abbot 2022

Happy New Year from the Abbot 2022

Happy New Year! As we enter 2022, there is much for which to be thankful. We have the privilege to practice together in the traditions of zen as transmitted to us through the teachings of Junpo and all those who kindled the lamp of enlightenment and thereby illuminated the way for us. We practice in a robust world-wide Sangha, and we have the support of this jewel as we engage the world in the Bodhisattva tradition of Mahayana Buddhism.

Dana  – Generosity

Dana – Generosity

Dāna, the first of the perfections, is translated as charity or generosity (pronounced like Donna). In the perfection of this practice is the realization of no-self through giving without the expectation of merit.