Dear Friends in Practice,
Our dear abbot has departed and not departed. How so? While the corporeal Junpo is no longer with us, the example of practice and the invitation to join in this practice resounds throughout the Sangha as the peal of the Shinrei, Bonsho, Densho, Inkin, and Han – beckoning as with Rumi’s appeal: “Come, come, whoever you are: Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. Ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, it does not matter if you’ve broken your vow a thousand times. Still, come, and yet again come!” Our dear Junpo is present in our practice and our ministry to those who find us… just as we come to practice and were reached in this Sangha.
As so many of us found a special relationship with Junpo, we are faced with the echo of his enigmatic inquiry, “What next?” If you are feeling this loss keenly, please examine where you find affinity with another who can be a companion on the path or serve as a mentor in the way. As a Sangha, we are available together as a refuge. We are here as good friends for one another.
Junpo nominated this, taiso, as his successor. [The dharma name, taiso being the English rendering of the Japanese translation of the posthumous name given to Huìkě (大祖慧可)- one of the four successors of Bodhidharma, said to have the marrow (of Bodhidharma)]. Who knew? Not knowing when the time would come, this was not formalized and left to a council of Junpo’s dharma heirs to ratify. This occurred on August 15, and the Board has since affirmed the succession. So here we are… We are gifted this Sangha, Hollow Bones, as a refuge together in our awakening practice – especially in Mondo. Let us support this together in practice, as the continuing legacy of Junpo, our beloved teacher and founder.
“I” do not presume to replace Junpo, the Founding Abbot of Hollow Bones and Mondo Zen, much less to take his place in your heart. Serving as Abbot is humbly offered to “our” Sangha. And in a similar vein, Dokusan is available, should you perceive the affinity to avail of this. If so, or for any matter of concern in practice or the Hollow Bones Sangha, please feel free to make a contact at
Curious – how this journey together will unfold?
Welcoming all in practice/realizing this Dharma,
Inviting all to join in supporting this Hollow Bones,
Sangha, Mondo, Five Elements and Three Treasures,
This practice, the bequest of lineage, through beloved Junpo.
Hollow Bones Zen
Join Taiso Roshi online Sunday, October 10 at 12:00 noon ET (New York).